March 2025 Driver’s Education Registration

Students who are at least 14 years 6 months old, or will be by Monday, March 31, 2025 and interested in taking the North Carolina Driver Education 30-hour classroom instruction class must complete this Google Form by Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 8AM to be considered.

Link to Google Registration Form

The classes will be held virtually March 31 – April 17 (Monday – Friday) from 7PM-9:30PM. There will be no classes on the weekends. You must attend ALL class sessions in order to successfully complete the course. Students will need reliable internet access along with an email address they use regularly.  Students planning to take the class must be passing at least three of their four semester courses according to the most recent reporting of grades and have good attendance.  Students without a clean disciplinary record will have their disciplinary record reviewed by the administration for inclusion in the class. If you are currently playing a sport or have another conflict during this time, I would suggest waiting until the next course offering as this would conflict with your practices/games/activities. 

If selected for the course, a $65 fee is required in order for students to take drivers education. This $65 fee must be paid to Mrs. Jill Ireland, Bookkeeper at Pamlico County High School, prior to the course beginning. If the fee is not paid before the first day of the course, you will be dropped. 

Students will receive an email notifying them of their acceptance Wednesday, March 26th by 5PM.

All questions should be directed to Henry Rice via email


Will Your Child Be Returning to ACS Next Year?

Parents, we ask that you let us know if your child will, or will not, be returning next year. You may use the online form (use the link below, or look for the “Intent Form for 2025-2026″under our “Quick Links”). A hard copy form will be sent home soon, if that works better for you.

Please respond by Monday, March 17, 2025.

Thank you!

Click here for the online form.

The Week Ahead for February 24-28, 2025

Hover over the document and click the arrow in the upper right corner to vew the bulletin.

Pase el cursor sobre el documento y haga clic en la flecha en la esquina superior derecha para ver el boletín.

Due to continued inclement weather and hazardous driving conditions, Arapahoe Charter School will implement another remote learning day on Thursday, February 20.


Due to inclement weather, Arapahoe Charter School will implement a remote learning day on Wednesday, February 19th. 

The Administration will monitor conditions throughout the day on Wednesday and an additional alert will be sent regarding the status of school operations for Thursday.

The Week Ahead for February 17-21, 2025

Hover over the document and click the arrow in the upper right corner to vew the bulletin.

Pase el cursor sobre el documento y haga clic en la flecha en la esquina superior derecha para ver el boletín.

Set Up Your Parent Portal Today

It takes less than five minutes.

Use this link to get your Infinite Campus Parent Portal Key.

You will need your student’s ID number. Your child uses this every day to log into their Chromebooks. You can also find their ID number on their report card, from their teacher, or call the school.

  1. Creating your account works best on a computer.
  2. You will need your child’s student number for this method. 
  3. Using this link it will ask for their number, name, and date of birth. 
  4. It should then find your child and ask which person you are (it should show all those identified as parent/ guardian). If you get an error that it cannot verify you it is because your cell number and/or email did not migrate in the change to IC. Call the school so we can update your profile.
  5. You select which parent/ guardian you are, and if you have a cell phone and/ or email it will ask you where to send a confirmation code.
  6. Enter the code.
  7. It will then display the activation key and present a link where you create a new account. 
  8. Copy the key, click the link, and paste the activation key.
  9. The system will walk you through creating an account ID and password.
  10. It will create the account and prompt you to log in.
  11. Once you have an account you can download the app here, or the usual app stores.