Absence Note Submission Form (one note per submission)There is no substitute for the uninterrupted personal contact between teachers and students in the classroom environment where learning experiences are carefully planned by the teachers. Even though students may make up class work missed because of absences, they may never be able to replace the educational, cultural and social contacts which they would have experienced through face to face instruction and class participation. Students with good attendance generally achieve higher levels of learning than those with poor attendance. An absence note that simply says "Please excuse my child from being absent" will not be an excused absence. You must let us know why your child was absent so we can determine if it is an excused absence under North Carolina law. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Student's First Name *Student's Last Name *Parent / Guardian Name *FirstLastParent / Guardian Email *Parent / Guardian Phone *Beginning Date of Absence *Ending Date of Absence *My child was absent because of (choose one only): *Illness or Injury (If absent 5 or more days, Medical Documentation is required.)Quarantine (In order for your child to be excused for COVID you must provide a picture of the home test including the student's name and date of test, or a copy of the lab report from your doctor.)Death in the Immediate FamilyMedical or Dental Appointments (Documentation Required)Court or Administrative Proceedings (Documentation Required)Religious ObservanceEducational Opportunity (Approval for such an absence must be granted prior to the absence.)Absence related to Deployment ActivitiesChild Care (Absences due to the illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the student is the custodial parent.)Department of Motor Vehicle (Documentation Required)Vacation / Wedding / Graduation (Unexcused)OtherUpload a picture or a pdf of your child's excuse note. * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. PARENT: BY ENTERING YOUR NAME BELOW YOU ARE SIGNING THIS FORM. *Questions? All forms are submitted to Ms. Kelli Bailey. You may reach her at 252-249-2599 x1000.Submit