ACS Policy Manual
Welcome to the Arapahoe Charter School Policy Manual.
The ACS Policy Manual is below, organized by policy numbers.
How to view a policy
To view a policy click on the section heading. You will then see a list of appropriate policies. Click on the policy you wish to review and you will be taken to that policy.
Should you have any questions on a specific policy please contact the Executive Director at 252-249-2599 x1106.
1100 Mission Statement
1320 Title I Parent and Family Engagement
1710 Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying
1720 Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Complaint Procedure
1730 Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability
1740/4010 Student and Parent Grievance Procedure
1750 Grievance Procedures for Employees
2010: The Bylaws of the Arapahoe Charter School
2011: Election of Officers
2012: Non-Substantive Changes to Board Policies
2120: Code of Ethics for Board of Directors
2121: Board of Directors Conflict of Interest and Anti-Nepotism
2122: Role of Board of Directors in Handling Complaints
2125: Confidential Information
2310: Public Participation in Board Meetings
2320: Compliance with Open Meetings
2321: Closed Sessions
2500: Hearings Before The Board of Directors
3200 Selection and Use of Instructional Materials
3225/4312/7320 Technology Responsible Use Policy
3226/4205 Internet Safety Policy
3230 Copyright Compliance
3410 Online Assessment and Instruction Policy
3420, 3460 Promotion Policy
3470 Alternative Graduation Pathway
3650 Limited English Proficiency Language Access Plan Policy
1740/4010 Student and Parent Grievance Procedure
4040/7310 Staff-Student Relations
4125 Homeless Students
4021 Harassment and Bullying
4105 Student Enrollment Policy
4205/3226 Internet Safety Policy
4240/7312 Child Abuse
4260 Student Sex Offenders
4300 Student Behavior Policy
4301 Authority of School Personnel
4305 Alternative Graduation Pathway
4309 Code of Student Conduct
4312/3225/7320 Technology Responsible Use Policy
4325 Drugs and Alcohol
4342 Student Searches
4345 Student Discipline Records
4351 Short Term Suspension
4353 Long Term Suspension, 365 Day Suspension, Expulsion
4370 Student Discipline Hearing Procedures
4400 Student Attendance Policy
4700 Student Records
4900 Parental Rights
4901 Parental Involvement
4902 Parent Information Requests
4903 Resolution of Parent Concerns
4904 Student Surveys
4905 Notifications Regarding Student Health
4906 Parent Review of Instructional Materials
6100, 6110, 6120: Student Health Services
6125: Administration of Medication
6140: Wellness Policy
6200: Goals of School Nutrition Services
6210, 6220: Charge Policy and Payment Collection Procedures for School Meals
6230: School Meal and Competative Foods Standards
6560: Disposal of Equipment / Replacement of Obsolete Equipment
7220 Grievance Policy
7230 Harassment and Bullying
7240 Drug Free and Alcohol Free Workplace
7250/5026 Smoking and Tobacco Products
7260 Bloodborn Pathogens Exposure and Control
7275/ 5027 Weapons and Explosives Prohibited
7300 Staff Responsibilities
7310/4040 Staff-Student Relations
7312/4240 Child Abuse
7320/3225/4312 Technology Responsible Use Policy
7330 Copyright Compliance
7410 Contract Renewal Policy
7500 Workday and Overtime
7820 Maintenance of Personnel Records
7920 Reduction in Force Certified
7921 Classified Personnel Reduction in Force
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