Arapahoe Charter School is a public charter school. This means that we are under the direction of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI). We must follow all the guidelines and requirements of DPI, just like the county school systems. As a public charter school there is no cost to you for sending your child to ACS.
We are allowed, by our charter, to limit enrollment so you must apply to have your child attend our school.
If you would like your child to attend ACS, you must first complete and return the Initial Application Form. The Post Acceptance Forms are to be completed after your child is accepted.
All applications for the next school year that are submitted by February 15 are treated as if they arrived at the same time. These applications will be entered into a lottery for available seats if one is needed. All applications after February 15 automatically are seated, or waitlisted, in the order in which they are received.
ACS does not accept new students in grades 11 or 12. We only accept new students in grades 9 and 10 until the tenth school day of the Fall and Spring semester. (*Revised November 2022).
ACS accepts new students in grades K-8, if space is available throughout the entire school year. We no longer cut off new enrollments in January. (*Revised November 2022).
Children must be five (5) years old by August 31 of the year they enroll in order to enroll in Kindergarten.
If your child is already enrolled and attending ACSyou do not need to reapply each year.
Online Initial Application — You may use our Online Initial Application for 2024-2025 or 2025-2026. You will receive a copy of the information you submit via email so you must have an email address to use this form.
Proof of Residency: If you are an applicant to the Arapahoe Charter School who cannot produce a property deed or lease must ask the owner, lessee, or leasing agent of the property where the applicant lives to complete and sign this legal affidavit. This is most often used if a family is living in the home of a relative for free, or without a lease. Please use this Residency Affidavit.